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Saab has seen substantial international growth in recent years with an increased presence in key countries and with international partners. This has been possible thanks to the company’s strong Swedish base and a competitive product portfolio. 十大正规博彩网站排名现在正在其增长之旅中采取进一步措施, while maintaining a focus on sustainability and creating greater value – for society, 客户和公司的所有利益相关者.


从一开始, Saab has collaborated with customers and partners in the development of its solutions and products. 根据客户需求, 我们设计, manufacture and deliver products and integrate systems from different suppliers into well-balanced solutions. A core competence is our ability to integrate our cost-efficient and intelligent solutions into system-of-systems. 一次交付, 贯穿整个产品生命周期, we support our customer with continuous capability development.


在军事防御和民事安全方面, customers are seeking integrated solutions for their needs from suppliers that understand global interdependencies as well as their specific situation. A strong local presence in selected markets gives Saab a better understanding of local needs, 能力和采购流程. This creates a good ground for collaboration and technology transfers.


Saab reinvests a large share of its sales in research and development. 密切, 与客户持续对话, 合作伙伴和大学让我们保持技术领先地位. New technology is utilised to improve our offerings as well as efficiency in delivery.


可持续性 is integrated in all aspects of Saab’s strategy, thereby contributing to long-term technological and economic development in the markets where we are active. Saab’s sustainability work involves concrete commitments and targets that are evaluated and reported annually.



十大正规博彩网站排名的商业模式与产品领域相适应, 系统的复杂性, 客户群体和地域市场.


In complex defence orders, Saab directly supplies the customer. 这些综合解决方案, 通常包括培训, 维护, 支持与服务, are designed to maintain functionality and cost efficiency over the product’s entire life cycle. Deliveries can continue for several years after development. These systems are configured and designed based on each customer’s specific needs and therefore often have a large share of customer-financed development. In addition, complex defence orders usually entail some form of industrial co-operation. “鹰狮”战斗机的研制和交付就是一个例子.


Some products and services are delivered the same day an order is placed, 而另一些则需要一年多的时间. These orders involve less customer-financed development than complex systems. Examples include most of Saab’s civilian offering as well as products sold in large volumes, 比如弹药. Maintenance, support and training can also be sold separately, outside large defence orders. 消耗品和备件也属于这一类. These products and solutions are usually sold directly to the customer.


Saab can also serve as a subcontractor to a partner with primary contact with the end customer, e.g.,当提供子系统时. 十大正规博彩网站排名的几个系统,例如.g., 指挥与控制系统, are platform independent and can be integrated with Saab’s or other companies’ products and systems. Becoming a subcontractor can also be an effective strategy to build local presence in a market.


Saab’s revenue model is divided into three main parts: sales of products and spare parts, 服务任务和长期客户合同. 此外,十大正规博彩网站排名还获得了一小部分特许权使用费. Long-term customer contracts account for about 60 per cent of sales, but since Saab’s business areas are divided by product and market offering, 分布因业务领域而异. Due to the nature of the sales, income and cash flow fluctuate over the course of the year.


Long-term customer contracts comprise the development and manufacture of complex systems. The orders for the development and modification of Gripen E, 瑞典和巴西就是其中两个例子. 长期合同持续在收入中确认, meaning that income and expenses associated with the project are recognised at the rate of completion in the project. Cash flows from these contracts depend on the timing of deliveries and milestone payments during the order period.

Service assignments consist of consulting and support services. Examples include training and ongoing 维护 associated with previous deliveries. Sales from service assignments on current account is recognised when the services are rendered, while service assignments as part of fixed-price contracts are recognised according to the same principles as long-term customer contracts.

The third part of Saab’s sales model is the sale of products and spare parts that Saab manufactures and stocks or purchases on behalf of customers. Sales is recognised in profit or loss when ownership has been transferred to the buyer.